evolve me

life coaching

Rathi Sivasothy

Mindset and Career Life Coach

Let’s Connect

Welcome to Your Next Chapter

Did a quest for clarity and purpose lead you here?

Perhaps you're experiencing:

  • A sense of being adrift or directionless?
  • Moments of self-doubt or diminished self-worth?
  • A hunger for a deeper understanding of your life's purpose?
  • A yearning for a clear path forward?
  • Questions about your true desires and aspirations?

If any of these resonate, you're exactly where you need to be.

Welcome to a space of transformation and growth.

evolve me

life coaching

What is Life Coaching?

In the simplest form, life coaching is a process of getting you from where you are right now, to where you want to be.

Who is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is a guide on this journey. They help pinpoint your current standing, clarify your goals, and identify challenges holding you back. Armed with insights and actionable strategies, they assist you in navigating the path to your aspirations.

Why Engage with a Life Coach?

Life Coaches bring an objective lens, offering unbiased feedback and fresh perspectives. Their role is to illuminate possibilities, providing a nurturing environment for introspection and growth.

Why Choose Me?

As a mindset and career coach, working with me will ensure collaboration with a dedicated professional with a proven track record. With over 2000 hours as a career and mindset coach, I specialize in uncovering barriers to your purpose. I will guide you in dispelling negative thoughts and boosting your confidence, paving the way for a life you'll be proud to live. Count on personalized support to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Invest in a partnership dedicated to your success and well-being.

evolve me

life coaching

About Me


Once, I viewed the world through a lens tinted with doubt, seeing life as a "glass half empty." Struggling with self-confidence, I often felt undeserving of happiness and fulfillment. However, after navigating a particularly challenging chapter of my life, I recognized the need for change. I deserved better; I deserved a life filled with joy and purpose.

Embarking on a transformative journey, I immersed myself in a plethora of wellness therapies: breathwork, meditation, visualization, gratitude practices, infrared saunas, and the Wim Hof method, among others. It was during this exploration that I encountered Life Coaching, experiencing firsthand the profound shift it could bring to one's mindset and perspective. The once "half empty" glass began to refill, and in that reflective surface, I found my calling—to serve and uplift others.

As a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach, my expertise lies in mindset and career coaching. I'm here to partner with you, guiding and nurturing your journey towards self-confidence, self-worth, and purpose. Together, let's unlock the life you've always yearned for.

evolve me

life coaching


After completing school, I was having a hard time figuring out my priorities and discovering what I “wanted to do” with my life. Rathi helped me to look past the fear and self-inflicted barriers I had put up and truly discover what it is that I wanted. After completing my sessions with her, I feel I am able to trust myself more and live the life that I want to. 10/10 Recommend.

S. Sherman - USA

Coaching with Rathi started off like a conversation with a friend. It was never awkward or uncomfortable. She trusts that you already know what you want and will coach you into finding the response yourself. You have to put in the work and be open to being challenged. In every single session we had I learnt something new about myself and about how I was looking at things. A life Coach shows you other perspectives whilst understanding who you are as a person and that is exactly what Rathi does. I am glad that I picked her.

R. Poonyth - UK

At first, I was not sure what to expect or maybe feared of what I would discover when I started Life Coaching with Rathi. All I knew was that I had a confidence issue and I had to “fix” that. Through coaching, Rathi listened to me and helped me realise that fear and control was affecting my day to day decisions and impacting my life. She guided me on how to remind myself with daily positives and manage a situation from drifting away to the overthinking side. We have made great progress, as I have started implementing the advice in my personal and work life and I have already seen a positive growth in my confidence.

N. Drosidis - UK

Rathi is an exceptional life coach who has helped in making sense of the story I was telling myself. An excellent listener, Coach Rathi approaches each session with empathy and non-judgment. She made me feel comfortable to be vulnerable and share what was on my mind. Coach Rathi’s approach and perspective were invaluable in gaining insight and changing my mindset. I recommend Coach Rathi to anyone seeking to transform their life! She is caring and committed to making an impact and changing lives through her work as a life Coach.

J. Peters - USA

I highly recommend Rathi for life coaching. I was at an impasse in my life, my self-esteem and confidence had never been so low; I was so overwhelmed and I didn’t know where to start. Rathi helped me to organise my thinking and make the right decisions for the right reasons. She encouraged positive changes to the way I thought, using some brilliant mechanisms that were so easy to implement in day-to-day life.

The progress I have made is astounding, she empowered me to find my inner strength and let it shine. I now feel confident in choosing my own directions and grow as a person for unlimited happiness. I discovered the need to set goals, achieve them and celebrate.

Rathi is incredibly intuitive and a wonderful listener, she has truly found her calling as a life coach.

B. Roberts - UK

In our first session, Rathi explained what life coaching is. By asking questions and doing an exercise she was trying to figure out how to help me.

At that time I mostly needed a boost of my confidence and work-related advice.

Every week I could feel the difference and the positive impact the life coaching had on me.

Eight weeks later and I have a new job offer, my mind is switched on how to try and make myself happy. Believe more in me and my worth.

I have gained a lot more than I expected from life coaching. Happy life exists and is for all of us.

Thank you a million times Rathi, for your time, knowledge, and inspiration!

It is a blessing to have you in my life!

M. Moschidou - UK

Since making the decision to embrace life coaching with Rathi, it has changed my perception and my mindset towards it.

I was initially sceptical , however at the time I felt I had nothing to lose.

I was experiencing a lot of challenges in my personal and professional life and I did not really know , which way to turn for the best.

Throughout this process , Rathi has been an amazing support, great friend and has been extremely patient. Rathi has helped me see things from a different perspective and has changed my life for the better.

R. Mitchell - UK

A turning moment in my journey as a speaker came out of a coaching session with Coach Rathi.

She got me to understand my underlying desires and fear of what was holding me back

After posting my first video after our coaching session, I went on to do a 21-video challenge.

That then gave me the confidence to participate in a speech contest at Toastmasters. Shortly, I will be launching my own online channel.

Thanks Coach Rathi for helping me become unstoppable.

B. Fernandes - Canada

evolve me

life coaching

Let’s Connect

Rathi Sivasothy

London, UK

+44 7902 646 324



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Mandala Decorative Ornament

1:1 Coaching Program

Mandala Decorative Ornament

A free life evaluation across ​various areas of your life.

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life coaching


Mandala Decorative Ornament

A workbook for uncovering your ​passion and purpose.

Mandala Decorative Ornament

Journal prompts to help you embark ​on a journey of self-discovery, ​personal growth & empowerment.

Mandala Decorative Ornament

A step by step guide to creating ​vision boards, so that you can ​manifest the life that you desire.

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evolve me

life coaching